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Michaell Bishop - A pro-taxpayer voice

Five firm commitments from Michael Bishop to you:

I'll work hard for you. Having built a successful small business, I understand hard work. I promise you this: No one will work harder than I will to serve you well.

I’ll be a pro-taxpayer voice. I’m firmly committed to the conservative principles of low taxes and limited, efficient government. I’ll fight hard to protect your wallet.

I’ll listen to you and always be easily accessible. Listening to your views and ideas and concerns will help me be the best County Councilman possible for you.

I’ll serve no more than 8 years. I believe in term limits, and I’ll set an example by limiting my time in office to eight years... just like I did as mayor of Springdale.

I’ll make you proud. I’ll always give my very best efforts on your behalf. I’ll hold myself to the highest standards of honesty and integrity and dedicate myself to being the kind of public servant you deserve.

I’d be honored to have your vote in the Republican Primary for Lexington County Council on Tuesday, June 11th. 


Michael Bishop signature
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